Friday, September 25, 2015

September week 4

Hi all!  Well this week
was jam packed!  
My dad called the other
day to see how we were 
doing and I told him our 
schedule. His response was,
"I think you need a little more to do"

Monday is my regrouping day.
After the weekend and sports 
mostly, it is important for us 
to regroup.  We finish all our business,
get things ready for the coming week.
And discuss the up coming schedule.
We do our main lesson and freshen up 
with reading and math.

Tuesday is homeschool co-op day.
This week we were invited to 
a friends private beach. 
It had a really nice sand beach,
a beach house, plenty of space and 
charm just right for our group of kids.

They had a lot of fun 
playing kick ball, swimming, 
and a rousing game called kubb.
My kids call it skulls and bones.
At any rate they had fun.

Wednesday we had a violin lesson and 
scope co-op.  All went well.
Matthew is learning a new piece 
by Robert Schumann.
At his teachers suggestion we are starting
an in depth look into the life of this composer.

Thursday was science club! 

Our experiment was about magnets.
The kids brought lots of different kinds 
for everyone to check out.
Our demonstration was how to make a 
compass.  We used a needle, a cork, water and 
of course a magnet.  The kids rubbed the needle on the 
magnet to magnetize it.  Put it in the cork and floated it
on the water and it pointed north :)
Other experiments were awesome.
One group showed us how dense different liquids were.
One demonstrated water pressure and force. 
And the last one showed how to engineer a 
bridge with carrots and paper.
The kids really love science club.

I love to flank my week!

I know that sounds weird, but 
I really crave having my Mondays
and my Fridays just us.
Friday we come back together
we clean the house and 
prepare for the weekend.
We finish up any loose ends from the week.
It gives us a day to reflect and discuss
what we may do differently next week.
Or what we loved and want to keep.

Like having the afternoon free to play 
golf with grandpa!

That's awesome!

Wesley and Tillie have been working 
on their art a lot lately and I really 
wanted to share what they have to offer.

They both love nature themes 
and they have very much been 
into birds lately.

Matthew has a hockey tournement 
this weekend.  The others 
have hockey practice and soccer.
Taggert starts his first learn to 
skate class on Saturday!!!

I am hoping for the best
not so sure though...
He loves hockey more than anything
in the world. The sticks, the puck,
watching it, but he will NOT skate.
He said he is better than anyone in our home
or anywhere really, but he will not skate.
Saturday is the big day.

 We'll see what happens...

until next week

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