Monday, November 28, 2011

Math ~ week 4

This was the last week of our math block.
This whole week was devoted to review 
and Thanksgiving.  :)

We did a lot of counting.  

He figured out how to count to one hundred!

We did this through skipping across the house 
 hundreds times :)

He was really proud of himself.
He completely understood the logic.

We played more games.
We played so many games the boys made 
up there own board game.

Early this week we also got hit with our first snow fall that really 
accumulated.  We got a couple inches that still allotted for sledding and 
snowman making.

The snow was fun, but I'm glad it warmed up again and all
melted away by the end of the week.

We also attempted the recorder again.
We will be focusing more on music for the
next couple of weeks.

Then we had Thanksgiving.
We had a really good time.

We crafted some turkeys for the occasion
Pine cone turkey

Watched football

played football
Which resulted in a lost (loose) tooth

More football!

Wish Bone

I found this article in the New York times that 
pertains to our chosen style of education
I thought it was very interesting.
I try hard to limit our screen time, but 
I will be honest that it is the hardest part of 
our school.  I wish T.V. was never invented :)

Happy thanksgiving everyone

next week we go back to a language arts block

until then

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Math ~ week 3

This week was devoted to numbers 
nine - twelve

For NINE we talked about 
NINE months of pregnancy
Self portrait

for TEN we used our fingers and incorporated 
them into our painting.
So, for day ten we finger painted instead of watercolor.

"Door to China"

"All color"

ELEVEN was dedicated to the game of soccer
with the ELEVEN players on each team.

TWELVE we talked about the months of the 
year.  We read the fairy tale the Twelve Months.
We also lightly discussed a clock and time.
(Time is not introduced until grade 3)

Here is some of Matthew's work

I also, introduced what a DOZEN is
with cookies!

I had him write out the numbers
in all the ways he knows.

up to eleven

up to eleven in Chinese

We had some beautiful weather this week.
We enjoyed a couple of days by going to the park.

He learned how to pump now :)

We did more painting too

We had a good week!

until next week


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Math ~ week 2

We continued our math block with the introduction of 
the quality of numbers.  
This week was 5-8.  
Trying to represent the whole to parts concept.
We used wholes of that number.
5 - fingers on hand
6 - star of david
7 - colors of the rainbow
(also introduced days of the week
through a song)
8 - an octopus

Here is an example of his work

We carried our form drawing through the rest of this 
week as well.  We did more running forms.  I 
find them very meditative and a great precursor to 
handwriting skills.  Yes, next year we will hone our skills
with a lost art called cursive.

The focus for the rest of the week was 

We read from our tiptoes book,
(if you scroll down a bit you can read the story too :)

We talked about his kindness and warmth.
We crafted our lanterns and little Saint Martin figures 
for the nature table

Then, we attended a lantern walk at a neighbors farm.

Wesley made his lantern at the farm.

We explored the farm and animals

the horses were huge!

We found more chickens

After our adventures we had snacks 

Near dusk we walked with our lanterns into a field 
then, we were entertained by a Saint Martin reenactment 
on horse back!

This celebration was really fun

Happy Martinmas!

So far he is still very enthusiastic regarding his studies.
Although knitting has become a little troublesome and 
he no longer wants to do it.  I have to brain storm some 
ideas.  knitting is very important to our philosophy.  
If anyone has suggestions let me know!

He is still enrolled in a weekly Chinese language class
and lucky for us it has been coinciding with his numbers.
Now we are all learning the Chinese numbers.

Next week we are continuing with quality of numbers.
our focus is whole to parts, roman numerals, Chinese numerals, 
and Spanish language numerals.  Adding painting in as well.
And more KNITTING.

until then

Friday, November 4, 2011

Math ~ week 1

If you are walking towards a distant wood you first see the wood as a whole, and only when you come near it do you perceive that it is made up of single trees.  This is just how you must proceed in arithmetic.  You never have in your purse, let us say, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 coins.  You have a whole heap of coins.  You have all five together, which is a whole.

~Rudolf Steiner, Kingdom of Childhood

This a different approach to numbers than I am used to.  
I have to consciously remind myself of whole to parts
when I am trying to teach him.  Also, I have to focus on making numbers beautiful!

Here is how our new block began.

We talked only about numbers 1-4.  
I introduced a new number everyday.  
We drew about it.

Matthew's number pictures

Wesley's number pictures

We have been playing a lot of counting games.

Wildcraft and a lot of Mancala.
They enjoy playing games and it's nice and fun counting.

I introduced him to Roman numerals along side our numbers.

We revisited forms this week too.
We did some review and then tackled running forms.

I told stories to accompany the forms.

We went on a field trip Wednesday to Pied Piper Crafts.
It was so fun!!  
We learned about wheat and all the steps to bread.  
We took the grains and thrashed them.
Then, we went outside to winnow the grains.
We ground the grains into flour.
Brought the flour home and made bread!

whole to parts :)

We took beautiful big hike this week and found signs of Jack frost!

of course we read tiptoes and how she tries to find Jack Frost.

We also started a new book called 

the children are going crazy for it.
We love it.

Over the weekend Matthew will continue on with his 
Chinese language classes and Hockey is in full swing again!

next week more math
until then

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


We spent this whole week trying to experience autumn.
We also got ready for Halloween.

First we did our nature table,
talked about what we saw changing outside
and tried to reflect our changes inside.
We crafted the little gnomes from pine cones.

I got the cute pattern from living crafts.
The boys had a lot of fun with them.

We traveled to a couple Halloween themed farms to get ready.

Dad also brought us home a bat to study!

We started hockey again.
We took a midweek break to play with Uncle Chad.

He really helped Matthew work out some of the kinks
before we had to hit the ice.

He loves playing hockey so much.

I focused our stories on a fall theme.
Everyday I read aloud to the children and then we take a rest break.
so far we have read...

Liputto  by, Jakob Steit

The Apple Cake by, Nienke van Hichtum

Autumn by, Wynstones press

The story of the Root Children by, Sibylle von Olfers

Festival of Stones by, Reg Down

These are just a few and my absolute favorites and I have to mention we 
read from a growing collection of Elsa Beskow everyday too.

We had some amazing laying this week by the hens too

Last but not least...

Next week we start math!

until then,