Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Math ~ week 2

We continued our math block with the introduction of 
the quality of numbers.  
This week was 5-8.  
Trying to represent the whole to parts concept.
We used wholes of that number.
5 - fingers on hand
6 - star of david
7 - colors of the rainbow
(also introduced days of the week
through a song)
8 - an octopus

Here is an example of his work

We carried our form drawing through the rest of this 
week as well.  We did more running forms.  I 
find them very meditative and a great precursor to 
handwriting skills.  Yes, next year we will hone our skills
with a lost art called cursive.

The focus for the rest of the week was 

We read from our tiptoes book,
(if you scroll down a bit you can read the story too :)

We talked about his kindness and warmth.
We crafted our lanterns and little Saint Martin figures 
for the nature table

Then, we attended a lantern walk at a neighbors farm.

Wesley made his lantern at the farm.

We explored the farm and animals

the horses were huge!

We found more chickens

After our adventures we had snacks 

Near dusk we walked with our lanterns into a field 
then, we were entertained by a Saint Martin reenactment 
on horse back!

This celebration was really fun

Happy Martinmas!

So far he is still very enthusiastic regarding his studies.
Although knitting has become a little troublesome and 
he no longer wants to do it.  I have to brain storm some 
ideas.  knitting is very important to our philosophy.  
If anyone has suggestions let me know!

He is still enrolled in a weekly Chinese language class
and lucky for us it has been coinciding with his numbers.
Now we are all learning the Chinese numbers.

Next week we are continuing with quality of numbers.
our focus is whole to parts, roman numerals, Chinese numerals, 
and Spanish language numerals.  Adding painting in as well.
And more KNITTING.

until then

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