Saturday, January 19, 2013

LA Irleland's Son cont.

Battle of the King of the land of Mist
We finished up the King of Ireland's Son.  
Out of which came a very nice main lesson book.
We wrote summaries and drew pictures of the stories. 
It was shorter than I had hoped, although we did 
have Christmas and suffer a nasty flu so maybe I 
can cut them some slack :)
Everyone thoroughly enjoyed every moment of the book.
I can't wait to present it again when my next son is in the second grade.

Speaking of which this little guy turned six this week!
We celebrated with multiple parties.

Our hockey season has really started to launch.
Between the two boys we are playing about five days a week.
Sometimes we have three a day.  Since I homeschool I feel 
this amount isn't to much for them.  We are very busy though.

M4 black

always in an arena:)

M1 wild
They really love to play hockey.  I asked them the other 
day if they could do anything...go to the water park, sledding 
or whatever awesome thing you could think of all they want to do
is play Hockey. Our biggest battles around here are me telling 
them  "No more hockey in the house!" 
I asked for it though...I always wanted some hockey 
kids.  Be careful what you wish for:)

until next week...