Sunday, October 25, 2015

Otober week 3

turned 11 years old!

He had a great birthday.
He did have a pretty 
hard week though.

He works extremely hard at 
his favorite sport.
He spends nearly everyday
all year round playing 
Hockey is the focus of 
most of our extra curriculars.
He is a very good player.
This year he was cut from the 
A team.
This was heart breaking for us.
 It did feel good that so many 
within the Stillwater 
association reached out to us.
Many families remember how hard 
it can be for a kid to be "cut".
Many families were upset about Matthew.
He is a very strong boy.
Despite his mother's plea to try 
a new sport :)
He practiced the very next day with the B team
on the ice with the A's.
Hard stuff...this growing up.
I'm proud.

For our homeschool co-op this week
it was one of our favorite times...
Stone Soup

It was such a beautiful day 
Made even more so from
 Heidi's dad.
He brought all the kids on 
a horse drawn carriage ride!

This week for Tree of Life science club
we spent the day with Belwin conservency
We helped collect natural prairie seeds.
These seeds will be planted later 
to develop new prairie lands. 
Taggert is collecting Spotted Mint.

Belwin was a terrific experience.
I can not wait to explore more of 
what they have to offer.
We learned so much in just one morning 
with them.  It was great.
Thanks science club!

Matthew's Birthday celebrations 
continued into the weekend.
We went to a corn maze with 
friends and family.
We had more family over to our 
house the next day too.

Happy Birthday Buddy!

Until Next week


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