Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Broken Bone

Here is the back story and 
update on Tillie's leg....
Always a very good helper in the kitchen.
Miss Tillie was helping me with 
dinner one night. 
   I had pulled a chair to the counter and 
she really wanted to chop the lettuce for 
the salad. 
I turned around from grabbing 
something and she had stepped back
off the chair.  Landing on the floor.
At first I thought she hurt her back or tailbone.

Then, she grabbed onto her shin and would 
not let go!!  I waited for Tom to come home
from work.  She had a really hard time 
settling down.  We decided to take her to the 
hospital.  Tom brought her in and sure enough...

 it is called a toddler fracture, you can 
see it is spiral shaped.
Apparently it is a very common break
and heals really well.

 She got to pick out her own cast colors
Pink and Purple (of course)
She been o.k. so far
Everyone has been so kind 
sending her crafts and coloring books
well wishes and prayers.
She has only complained one time
about "not wanting to have a broken leg."

She can still help me in the kitchen!!!

 She has been making beautiful crafts

and colorings

Next week she is getting a smaller cast that I 
believe she can walk on and is WATER PROOF!!!

These new casts are pretty cool compared to 
the ones I remember. :)

Until next time...

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