Tuesday, September 17, 2013

New school Year

This first week of school we have spent our time
establishing our rhythm for the year.
We always start getting our groove back by implementing a
few classics.
We get out and explore the world around us.
We  have done this in different ways.
I brought the kids
to a natural spring to find fresh clean water
flowing right from the ground.
They were very impressed and we love the water.
We found our spring on Find a spring.com

We had a beach day to explore all of the
forms in nature.
This was used to inspire our form drawings.
With Wesley I introduced lines and curves

The kids wanted to look like real artists
while we did our drawings at the beach

We have also been involved in a  new home school
co-op.  It is really fun and we have been taking 
 hikes with the group.

Our garden has also kept us busy recently

With the boys I have started with form drawing.
With Wesley I have started introducing the letters.
So far he has worked on M, V, and S.
I switched to a different curriculum for varieties sake.

With Matthew I have had him practice his reading everyday.
We checked out some readers from the library and he is enjoying
Nate the Great stories right now.  I have also had him writing out
the vowel sounds in spelling.  He often confuses a and o, so this he
will need a lot more work on.

Matthew has also began a violin lesson.
This is something he is very much excited about.
So far so good.  Hopefully he really sticks with it.
I just love the music that instrument can create.

I am trying to plug away, although I believe I need to
find my place.  It has been a little more hectic this year so far.

until next time...

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