Friday, April 5, 2013


We then began a three week math block.
During this time we worked on carrying
and borrowing.  I presented it in many different
ways.  I needed a little something more. 
I found an approach I think really helped him 
grasp the whole idea.

I told the story of the wood cutter in the woods.

This is his wood shed...
He chops wood all day and puts it in the shed on 
the right side.  He is very organized and when he reaches
10 he bundles them and moves the bundles to the left side.
You get the idea.  We played with this a lot. Trying out new 
stories of carpenters coming and needing wood or bringing extra.

Then we did some traditional practice sheets.
Sometimes when he really starts to understand 
something I like to have him repeatedly practice 
and bring it all home :)

For extra lesson we spent more time on word 
families.  We rhymed and brainstormed new 
word families everyday.

For read aloud I read the 
by Kipling

They loved these stories so much.
Just for fun I would do a printable 
coloring sheet on the animal or subject of the 
"the butterfly who stamped"

The boys are constantly working on their art.
Whenever I am not doing lessons they quickly grab
paper and pencil and draw.  They are drawing from the 
moment they rise and before bed they are finishing their pictures.
Wesley is the most driven.  With this their current projects have 
really started to develop.  It always surprises me how they view the world.
Here are some of their free time art...

Matthew will draw mazes all day long. 
He loves elaborate detailed scenes.
Here is one of those.

Wesley has been focusing on realistic drawings.
hockey player

Native American


Emily and Daisy

Its fun to watch all the drawings.
I have gotten so inspired by them.
They are not self conscious, they just create.
I love art.
Mostly childrens'


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