Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 2 - Language arts

This week began and ended with these pumpkin muffins.

I was introduced to these fabulous muffins from a very dear friend.
I crave them every year now when I see those beautiful orange pumpkins.

Thank you Amy for all your advise and inspiration!

We did most of our school outdoors this week!
It was so gorgeous I could not resist.

First we learned...
M (Mountain)
D (Door)
E (golden star)

We practiced alliteration
with our new letters
and writing them out.

Then, we learned
H (Mother Hulda - Grimm)
L (lavender lady)

He also practiced more recorder.
This time he was very frustrated and we sort of had to
take a little break from music.

we did more finger knitting and he has almost
finished his first project!!

two more weeks of language arts.

until then,

1 comment:

The left side of the road... said...

Yuuuuummmmm!!! So jealous of your Bizarre October weather!! Keep up the good work guys :) love you, burp