Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 1 ~ Language Arts

Now is when we begin our language arts block.  
It lasts four weeks.  In that time I will introduce letters.
All of which are brought to him through...
fairy tales.  :)

We started this week with our morning walk to fairy falls.

This is a nice hiking place near our house that sounded appropriate.

Then, I introduced our stories beginning with 
Q (a queen)
K (a king)
P (a prince)
W ( the wise woman)

I told stories about the new characters.
Then, we practiced alliteration.

Matthew has enjoyed playing a new game where he 
tries to guess what the word starts with by the sound it makes.

We practiced writing our new letters.

after a few days I used these new letters and stories to introduce two more
consonants and one vowel.

G ( golden goose - Grimm)
J ( the jester)
O ( the star vowel)

We drew our new letters and practiced sounding them out again.

In addition to our letter intro. 
we also continued with our recorder practice.

He already can count beats, read the notes and fingers A and B.
Hopefully we will learn a song by the end of next week.

we continued on with knitting prep as well.

I read to the children the story of 
Pelle's New Suit by Elsa Beskow.

The best story ever for explaining where wool comes from.

Matthew took a class this week at the Como Zoo.

It was a class for home schooled kids.
This particular class was about prairie seeds.
they went out in nature to find seeds and make seed balls 
to take home and plant.
He had a lot of fun.
I like when he gets a little chance to have a 
different teacher other than me occasionally.


While he was in class the other kiddos and I ran around the zoo.

We finished the week looking for signs of autumn. 
We took a walk and brought home our evidence.

Then, we collected sumac berries 


Next week we will continue with Language arts,
recorder, and knitting.

Until then~

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