Friday, February 11, 2011


I spent the whole week talking about love.  
We were preparing our home and ourselves for Valentines day.
I read stories about a mothers endless love.  
We also read stories about Saint Valentine.

On baking/ cooking day we made homemade chicken rivel(kind of like homemade noodles) soup
and heart shaped PB and J sandwiches.

Then we crafted some stained glass hearts.
We took contact paper and pressed bits of tissue paper onto them.
Then I cut them into heart shapes to decorate our windows.

We also made silly puppet hearts.

On painting day we did water color paintings using only red and painted whole sheets of paper.  We used this paper.  When it dried I cut out love birds. These turned into our Valentines we sent to our loved ones and friends. 

We also used this paper and made heart shaped baskets.

We told the kids we would fill them with love notes and treats on Valentines day.

The Romans believed that birds mated in the second week of February.  That is why we see a love bird theme.  We decided to add a little nest and eggs to our nature table to celebrate the mating of the birds.

Tillie was absolutely in love with her little nest.  For an entire day she went around saying "oh no" every time she lost an egg and replaced it.

February nature table

We played a lot of heart themed games and did mazes I printed from here.  I also went to family fun for some ideas on little coloring pages.

After we made all our Valentines we went to the post office to mail them.  I had the kids do everything so, they can learn how to mail a letter (sort of a rare occurrence these days).

This week we also went to an amazing hot air balloon event.  It was at night and they lit up the dark with a sea of enormous balloons.  We told the kids it was a giants birthday party:)  It was really beautiful.
We had our third annual lighting of our Christmas tree this week as well.  A spectacular blaze.  Both, of these are in the photostream. 

Next week is about our presidents and our freedom

Until then,

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