Saturday, November 13, 2010

The Wind

This week started off pretty bad.
Matthew woke up Monday with a temperature of 101 and a sore throat!

So,  we cuddled up in bed and read stories about the wind, drank lots of tea, and Wesley colored.

Then, EVERYONE took a nap!  That has not happened simultaneously ever.

We all started feeling a bit better the next day and continued on with our week.

We made a kite to fly in the sky to feel the wind.

All in all we made three.

Our first kite.  We couldn't get it off the ground!

Kite number 2.  
It flew!
I forgot to tie the kite string to the spool and it flew right over the whole neighborhood!

Kite number 3!

Even though there was a lot of trial and error it was really fun flying our kites.

Sticking with our theme we also made wind chimes

On Thursday it was Martinmas.  This is a day to celebrate Saint Martin.  I told a lot of stories about him, his most famous being that he cut his cloak in half to clothe a freezing beggar.  Then, later learning said beggar was really Jesus.  There is more information about him here's_Day

Like the children of the Netherlands and elsewhere we commemorated the day by crafting lanterns.

We had grand plans of taking our lanterns to a huge Martinmas celebration at firefly farm.  The farm owners are a Waldorf homeschooling family and they have a huge bonfire, act out Saint Martins story with real horses the kids can also ride, a pot luck and finally ending it all with a lantern walk.  We were very much looking forward to this, but it was cancelled due to the snow.  Maybe next year.

Next week we talk about spiders and weaving

until then...

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