Friday, November 19, 2010


This week was about weaving.  
We talked about people weaving on a loom and other weaving arts. 
We also expanded it to nature and talked about natures greatest weavers, spiders.

On baking day we read stories and baked bread together.

We made a weaved loaf for our dinner.

Then, we did another weaving project. 
We used construction paper and made weaved cards.

This really demonstrated the fundamentals of weaving to the kids.
The kids decorated them and we mailed off a letter to Grandma Judy!

We collected Y shaped sticks on our nature walks and other pieces to use for weaving.  Then, we weaved with our finds.

We also read a tremendous amount of great books about spiders and weaving.

We also used our new found skills and tried our hand at making a God's eye weave.

On Thursday this week for snack we made baked apples.  I thought I would share since the kids enjoyed them so much.

Baked Apples

Core apples and fill them with butter and brown sugar.  
Place them into a shallow baking dish.  
Add a little water, a pinch of nutmeg and a teaspoon vanilla
sprinkle cinnamon and chopped peacans over the top.
cover and bake at 350 for about an hour.  
Then I took the foil off for about ten minutes. 
top with a little cream or better yet ice cream!

Phy ed this week we skated, but we also played BASKETBALL :)  
The boys informed me they are also going to be basketball players!

We finished off this week by modeling spiders.

Matthew did a great job making sure all the body parts were there.
(eight legs, two body parts, spinnerets, pedipalps)
His is hanging from a web.  
Wesley's is the colorful one :) He hung his off a book.

We also went on a spider scavenger hunt.  Not for a real spider though, I still think they are creepy.  I hid a spider sticker in the house and they tried to find it with only a couple hints.  

Next week is about 
and Thanksgiving
Until then...

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