Thursday, February 11, 2016

February week 1

This week was a little
shorter.  I decided
to get out of town for the
weekend with my very
best girlfriends!
We had the best time.
I don't think I stopped laughing
the entire trip.
It was just what I needed.

Thanks for the laughs ladies :)

As far as homeschooling this week...

The kids had painting day on Monday.
They love painting.
After Christmas and birthdays
Wesley received tons of art supplies
everyone loves using.

We took a nice hike
at Big Marine Park.
After the hike the kids played on
the playground in a blizzard.
Another great day!

We spent time at the library
reading books and picking out videos.
Since I was going to be gone
I thought they would like a special
treat of watching movies.
Here is a list of our families likes
and dislikes.
In case you my have a sick kid 
or help when your out of town. :)
~They watched Stuart Little
since we just read the book.
They did not like the movie.
Same with Treasure Island.
Wes especially disliked this one.
The Secret garden was well received.
They all very much loved
Swiss Family Robinson.

We took the kids swimming
at the local pool this week
for our gym class.

On Thursday we spent 
hours ice skating 
with our good friends 
back at the Rec center.
We learned about the 
science behind the
different skate blades.
Matthew loved this video. 
The kids also had scope and violin.
Tillie has officially dropped out of
ballet.  Maybe we will try it again.
I do not want to push her.

Good week all around!

Until next week

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