Saturday, March 16, 2013

Winter/animal legends

It has been a while since I last posted.
well... my camera cord is broken :(
and I can't upload pictures.  It has 
been so long I thought I better put it 
down before I forget what we have been up to.

We did a week on Nature

We made crafts...
Snowflakes (of course)
we made paintings with shaving cream and glue
and it creates a nice bubbled up snow effect.

I read them several stories
and my favorite was this

We made candles from chipped beeswax
for  candlemas

and we took a weekend field trip to 
to celebrate the season.
The center was having their blizzard blast
where we engaged in many winter activities.

Our family also celebrated our littlest 1st birthday!

He's getting to be such a big boy!

Sink tubby

after our winter nature block we started in 
on language arts supported by animal legends.
In which I brought Aesop's fables to the for front.
I told the pitcher and the crow, the city mouse and the country mouse
and the lion and the mouse... just to name a few
We embodied the stories through drawing, puppetry, and modeling.
Lions and mice

 We also did a lot of spelling and word family practice.

I set up a trail game where you walk the words and when you make 
a mistake you have to go back to the beginning.

I put down the trickiest of words and he did surprisingly well!!

Hopefully I can remedy this camera situation soon and upload more 

Until then

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